Links Worth a Look

Here are a few items I've read online lately that might be worth your time.

Why I Am a Cessationist - Tom Schreiner presents the biblical case. Read and be a Berean.

Why I Am a Continuationist - Sam Storms presents the biblical case. Read and be a Berean.

Leisure as Culture - Brian Mattson reflects on the dualism that gives rise to the disdain of leisure. Though he critiques John Piper (whom I love - I'm attending the Desiring God conference next week) and Baptists (I pastor a Baptist church), I still agree with the substance of his post. "God loves seashells," folks.

Authenticity, Honesty, and the Stay at Home Mom - A wise corrective to pleading authenticity when something more mundane -- and holy -- is really required. (And, for the record, let me say how very thankful I am for my beautiful, hardworking spouse. Holly, you're the bomb.)

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