Links Worth a Look

Jesus Spent 30 Years Being Boring - Stephen Altrogge on the ordinary, mundane kind of obedience that still counts as radical. "For the first 30 years of his life, Jesus was boring. He was an unknown carpenter who wasn’t doing “big” things for God. He worked alongside his dad, using his hands to shape, shave, and tack together pieces of wood. He quietly studied the scriptures, and grew in stature with God and men. He didn’t have a public ministry. He didn’t write any books, go on a conference tour, adopt an orphan, give away 75% of his income, or go on multiple missions trips. He loved the Lord with all his heart, honored his mother and father, and quietly went about his work. Was Jesus wasting his life?"

Biblical Womanhood for Pariahs - Wendy Alsup on the application of biblical womanhood to women in all circumstances of life. "Our understanding of Biblical Womanhood has to include such women. The divorced. The widow. The single mom. The working single mom. The single woman with no kids." 

You are What - and How - You Read - Rosaria Butterfield helped create the world of LGBTQ activism on college campuses. Now she reflects on "three unbiblical points of view Christian communities harbor when they address the issue of Christianity and homosexuality."

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