First, some news highlights:
- The projected publication date is October 1, 2010.
- Shepherd Press is planning to release the book for the Shepherd's Press Author's Conference, which is themed "Rejuvenating the Gospel in Your Marriage and Family."
- We are now in the process of gathering endorsements for the book, as the manuscript also goes to copy-editing, then type-setting and design.
When the book is published, I'll have a number of copies to give away. So, here's how you can receive one.
To the first fifty people who make the request, I will send a PDF file of the pre-publication manuscript. (This is the full text of the book, with only the indices missing. All edits from this time forward will be very minor, such as corrections in spelling or punctuation. The layout and pagination, however, will be different in the published version). Then, if you fulfill one of the following conditions, I will send you a free copy of the actual book, once it is published. (Yes, this is a shameless marketing strategy!).
There are several options:
1. That you read through the book over the next five months and do at least five blog posts about the book on your personal blog. These don't have to be long posts, but they do need to include your personal reflection (which can include both positive comments and critique) on what you're reading. In other words, these posts need to be more than just quotations from the book (though brief ones are certainly fine).
2. That you read through the book over the next five months, and post an honest review on Amazon.com by October 1. (The book isn't yet available for preorder on Amazon, but once it is, you will be able to post a review).
3. That you read through the book over the next five months, and post an honest review on another internet bookseller's site (such as Barnes and Noble, Borders, or CBD).
If this sounds like a win for you, then here's what you should do:
First, either post a comment on this post with your name, address, and e-mail address, or e-mail me at brianghedges[at]gmail.com with your name and address. Let me know in your post or e-mail what you plan to do (blog posts or online review). I will then e-mail back to you the PDF file of the book.
Second, notify me by e-mail when you have finished the book and either written your blog posts or have posted a review on one of the websites mentioned above.
Then, when the book is published (and I have my box of give away copies in hand), I'll send you the hard copy of the book.
Any takers?
Update (March 2011): I still have a handful of (signed) hard copies to give away to reviewers. If you're interested let me know at the above e-mail address. I'll send you a PDF and then the actual book once the review is posted. Thanks!
If I do all three does that mean I get three copies of the book? ;)
Or, can Amanda and I do it together?
Just one per person. But if one of you does the blog, and the other a review, OR, each of you do your own review, you can have two copies. :)
I'd be happy to review it on my blog or Amazon.
I would love to review your book on my blog and amazon. Am I one of the first fifty?
Hi Ken,
Yes you're still in the first fifty. I'm in Africa this week, but will e-mail you the PDF when I get back. Just e-mail me your address to brianghedges[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks!
I just read John Bird's review. Sounds like an excellent book. If the 50 review copies aren't spoken for, then I'd like to read the pdf and blog about your book. Thanks.
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