A great biographical sketch of Lewis, Tolkien, and Williams with a focus on their friendships and their reading group, the Inklings.

A carefully nuanced study of the doctrine of sin, in all its many facets.

The best biography/memoir I read this year, this is Lauren Winner's chronicle of her journey from Judaism to Christianity. Immensely interesting and beautifully written. I also read two other books by Winner which could easily have made this list.

One of the most practical books I've read, even though I was late in getting to it. This book works, if you apply it. I've put much of it into practice, including some reorganizing of my office, but need to read it again to take it a step further.

Out of nearly a dozen novels I read this year, this was the best. It's also the saddest book I've ever read. Cormac McCarthy's The Road comes in as a close second on both counts.

Keller on social justice and mercy ministries. Extremely practical. Extremely convicting. Our deacon team is now studying this and thinking through implementation at Fulkerson.

Though there are some legitimate critiques to be made of Jim Belcher's proposed "third way" between the emerging and traditional models for church, I found much to resonate with in this book.

If you're only going to read one book on Christians and culture, this is the one to read. Better than Carson's Christ and Culture Revisited.

A book for pastors and leaders on the importance of maintaining spiritual, physical, and emotional health. In some ways, this is the most important book I read this year, though not necessarily the best. In fact, it's the only book I read all the way through twice.

Pride of place has to go to Keller's new book on idolatry. As usual, it combines attributes not often found in one book: exposition of Scripture with cultural relevance, theological insight with penetrating heart application, creativity with simplicity.
I've read 3 of your 10 books, #1, 2, and 8. I really enjoyed Girl Meets God. :)
Children of Hurin was really good! One of saddest books ever. I read it in two days, though - it was an unusually easy read for a Tolkien book. I was reading it non stop, though...
Some of that other stuff looks really great! I'll have to some to my reading list after I get through my Christmas stack...
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