Tullian Tchividjian who leads New City Presbyterian Church wrote the introduction to Keller's sermon notes on Josh Harris's blog. One thing he says is:
Some preachers teach me how to be a better exegete of the Bible. Others teach me how to be a better exegete of our culture. And still others teach me how to be a better exegete of the human heart. But no preacher has consistently taught me how to do all three in the context of every sermon more so than Tim Keller. His balanced attention to all three forms of exegesis makes him very unique.
I agree, and it's one reason why I've been listening to Keller regularly for the past two years.
Interesting happening this week. Those of you who heard my sermon last Sunday, may remember my reference to Jonathan Edwards' sermon, The Excellency of Christ. Tonight I was listening to Keller's sermon on the same passage (and Mark 11:12-18, which is part of my preaching passage for this Sunday), and I was surprised, gratified, and a little embarrassed, that he referenced the same sermon from Edwards!
Surprised, because, of course, I had just used it. Gratified, because, without realizing it, I thought the way Keller thinks - at least this once!! And a little embarrassed, because I don't want anyone to think I'm just stealing Keller's sermons! Honestly, I had no idea he had used the Edwards sermon as an illustration!! I thought of the Edwards piece because I saw (as Keller did) the unique combination of Jesus' attributes (authority and humility) in Mark 11.
Well, nothing's new under the sun, huh? I'll continue to listen to Keller (and others) and learn - mainly because, as Tullian says above, he exegetes not only Scripture, but also the culture and the human heart so well.
Yes, how important and yet how difficult are those three things. The prophet's voice.
Hello our friend and brother in Christ! We are from Russia. Our nime are Zhenya and Nika. We are missioneryes in Far East Russia. We work with students. We organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love! We like your blog! And we too like books by John Piper! Praise the Lord we have some his books in Russian! We will glad if you can write us.Sorry our English. In Christ Aksutins family zn4hisglory4@gmail.com
Hello our friend and brother in Christ! We are from Russia. Our nime are Zhenya and Nika. We are missioneryes in Far East Russia. We work with students. We organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love! We like your blog! And we too like books by John Piper! Praise the Lord we have some his books in Russian! We will glad if you can write us.Sorry our English. In Christ Aksutins family zn4hisglory4@gmail.com
Zhenya and Nika,
Thanks for for your kind comments. It's always good to hear from Christian friends in other countries. And don't apologize for your English. I can guarantee that it's much better than my Russian!!! Much love in Christ,
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