I Have Enough

“Certainly, if there be enough in God to satisfy the spirits of just men made perfect, whose capacities are far greater than ours; and if there be enough in God to satisfy the angels, whose capacities are far above theirs; if there be enough in God to satisfy Jesus Christ, whose capacity is unconceivable and unexpressable; yea, if there be enough in God to satisfy himself, then certainly there must needs be in God enough to satisfy the souls of His people. If all fullness, and all goodness, and infiniteness will satisfy the soul, then God will. There is nothing beyond God imaginable; and therefore the soul that enjoys him, cannot but be satisfied with him. God is a portion beyond all imagination, all expectation, all apprehension, and all comparison; and therefore he that hath him cannot but sit down and say, I have enough.”

Thomas Brooks, The Works of Thomas Brooks, Volume 2 (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust) 32-33.

1 comment:

Steve Burlew said...

Isn't that great? "He that hath him cannot but sit down and say, I have enough." Thanks, Brian. I'm always glad to see guys reading and using that which gets shipped from this place. Keep at it!
Steve (with the Banner)